The Regional Callers' Assemblies exist to provide callers with the opportunities to improve their skills and by so doing encourage them to take up membership of the SDCCGB. 

London & Home Counties (L&HCRCA) 

Chairman - Kevin Lovell  01908-281-802

Treasurer - Vacant position

Meeting Place - Venues Vary

(Contact Kevin Lovell for details)

Meeting schedule


Northern Area (NARCA) 

Chairman - Vacant Position

Hon. Secretary - Philip Mee

Treasurer - Cliff Anderton

Meeting Place - Venues vary

Please note that there are No Meetings at the current time.


South East Midland Informal Group  (SEMIG)

Chairperson - Susie Kelly  01280-816-940

This Informal Group is similar to an RCA and the primary focus of the group is mutual support training and calling practice for Square Dance Callers in this area. 

Be sure to contact Susie if you are interested in attending or becoming involved in this group.


Wessex Area  (WARCA) 

Chairman - Carol Gerry   02380-364-505

Treasurer - Peter Sykes

Secretary - (To Be Determined)

Training Coordinator - Keith Lovegrove

Meeting Place - St. Peter's Church Hall, Bishop's Waltham, SO32 1EE

Please note that there are No Meetings at the current time.


RCA Charter

RCA Charter (2018).pdf

The Round Dance Council is part of the SDCCGB.  It is Cuer led with support from dancer membership and seeks to promote Round Dancing in the UK via educating, training, encouraging and informing just as the RCA's support Square Dance Caller education, training and promoting of Square Dancing.

Diary Coordinator- Peter Wright

Secretary  - Howard Nichols  01242-572-249

Please note that there are No Meetings at the current time..
