If you have a problem accessing anything, including the 'Members Only' page after signing-in with your email, please contact Gene Turner to ask him to set the permissions for you. All paid up members of the SDCCGB are entitled to have access to 'Members Only'
Do you still have a record deck that you no longer need, but have not got around to getting rid of it?
Why not donate it to help a new caller get started.
Contact Simon Fielding 01582-735-118 or email Susie.
Website Links
Regional Caller Associations
Round Dance Council, for everything that is round dancing in the UK. Affiliated to the SDCCGB.
London and Home Counties Regional Callers Association, Affiliate of the SDCCGB.
Northern Counties Regional Callers Association, Affiliate of the SDCCGB.
Wessex Regional Callers Association, Affiliate of the SDCCGB.
Homepage of the West Of England Regional Callers Association, Affiliate of the SDCCGB.
Interesting Sites
For Square Dance Music & MP3 Files
The home page for the Callers Club of Australia (pages in English and Aus)
Everything you could ever want to know about American Square Dancing and the clubs that support this great activity in Great Britain
International Association of Square Dance Callers.
CALLERLAB Dance Programs (available for downloading)
Download the CALLERLAB Basic & Mainstream Teaching Tips (21-06-2010)
Download the CALLERLAB Experimental Sustainable Square Dance System (SSD) which has been re-designated the 'Social Square Dance System' (SSD). It is a complete teaching guide and plan to teach fifty calls in twelve sessions and includes a teaching order, Patter suggestions and singing call choreo for each session. - New LINK
The home page for Danish Callers (pages in Danish)
Vic Ceder's website where you can find just about anything to do with square dance calling including his music-management program
A website for purchasing some Modern Western Square Dance Music.
The homepage for the European Callers and Teachers Association e.V.
For Square Dance Music & MP3 Files
Grand Square, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of square dancing as an American folk art form.
An all-inclusive website featuring links to samples of square dance music available today.
For Square Dance Music & MP3 Files
New Square Music is devoted to creating square dance music that can be used by callers when working with new square dancers using modern music systems. For this reason, callers and dancers may find our music very useful.
For Square Dance Music & MP3 Files
The International Association of Round Dance Teachers, Inc. A non-profit educational organization for round dance leaders worldwide
For Square Dance Records, Music & MP3 Files
Semi-sight Calling by Tom Perry
A guide to sight calling by Tom Perry (published on the web, available for download, as the original book is out of print)
Please note the pdf files download as you click on them. A Link to a searchable collection is also on the page.
For Square Dance Music on MP3 files.
Your Internet Radio Home for All Things Square Dancing - GREAT SITE !!!
A computer music-management program for callers (Freeware)
An Archive of Caller Note Services
For Square Dance Records, Music & MP3 Files
a FREE animated program for square dance callers and for dancers to see what each call does from each legitimate starting formation. Here you will find animations for square dance calls from Basic through C-3B. This is the link to the Taminations website which does not require installation on your computer or device. You should also find a link on the Taminations site so that you can use Taminations on your smartphone/tablet/portable device.
A video to direct non-dancers to if you are asked the question. This is from an American TV show (The Phil Donohue Show - 1980) and features professional caller Lee Kopman explaining and demonstrating Modern Western Square Dancing to a TV audience.